Sunday, Jun 02, 2024 | Last Update : 05:35 PM IST


The General I Knew

This piece is a personal tribute to an extraordinary general, gentleman and my battalion commanding officer

12 Dec 2021 8:29 AM

‘Who else could have created agitation with pinch of salt’: Modi’s ode to Mahatma

PM Modi said Gandhi had the unique ability to become a bridge between some of the greatest contradictions in human society.

02 Oct 2019 2:33 PM

Amul's ode to Sushma Swaraj leaves many teary-eyed

Tributes for the former Union minister have been pouring in from across the world.

08 Aug 2019 1:19 PM

Rahul pays tribute to tribal freedom fighter Birsa Munda

Birsa was 19th-century folk hero who is known for his movement to protest against forceful land grabbing by British government.

09 Jun 2019 1:10 PM

Twitter pays respect to Gabriel Garcia Marquez on his 91st birth anniversary

As Google celebrated his 91st birth anniversary with a doodle, we take a look at how the twitterati remembered the legendary author.

06 Mar 2018 5:04 PM


Wish I was in a dream: Survivor's tribute to Kansas victim Srinivas Kuchibhotla

Madasani called the shooting 'an isolated incident that doesn't reflect the true spirit of Kansas, the Midwest and the United States.'

27 Feb 2017 12:15 PM

Turkey renames street after assassinated Russian ambassador

Ambassador Andrei Karlov was shot dead December 19 while speaking at the opening of a photo exhibition.

10 Jan 2017 5:25 PM

Police officer pays tribute to Jaya in Facebook post

A salute to her always got the response of an equally respectful joining of hands.

12 Dec 2016 3:45 PM

Harvard student's post on Jaya goes viral

The post highlights incidents like Jayalalithaa pushing MGR's wife to the sidelines at his funeral.

07 Dec 2016 2:26 PM

Tearful Cubans pay tribute to Fidel Castro

But his ashes were not put on display, surprising many who had hoped to see the urn holding the remains of their hero.

29 Nov 2016 9:18 AM