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Iran nuclear deal

UN Security Council rejects US resolution to extend Iran arms embargo

Iran says it has the right to self-defense and that a continuation of the ban would mean an end to the nuclear deal

15 Aug 2020 9:59 AM

Trump could negotiate 'better' Iran deal, says UK's Boris Johnson

'Let's do a better deal,' Johnson said in an interview with NBC while in New York for the UN General Assembly.

24 Sep 2019 9:34 AM

US will impose sanction whoever purchases Iran's oil: official

Iran's crude oil exports were slashed by more than 80 pc due to re-imposed sanctions by US after Trump exited Iran's 2015 nuclear deal.

09 Sep 2019 12:16 PM

'Will soon be increased, substantially': Trump warns Iran of more stringent sanctions

Trump accused Iran of violating the 150 billion dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration.

11 Jul 2019 12:28 PM

Iran will enrich uranium to 'any amount we want': Hassan Rouhani

Rouhani some two months earlier set the Sunday deadline that Iran would increase its enrichment of uranium.

04 Jul 2019 9:41 AM


Nuclear threats will 'come back to bite you': Donald Trump to Iran

'Rouhani says that they will Enrich Uranium to 'any amount we want' if there is no new Nuclear Deal,' Trump said.

04 Jul 2019 8:35 AM

Iran trying to ‘blackmail’ world by violating nuclear deal: Israel

Iran said Monday it had exceeded a limit on its enriched uranium reserves set under a 2015 nuclear deal that has edged towards collapse.

03 Jul 2019 9:50 AM

France calls on Iran to 'immediately' reduce enriched uranium reserves

This camed a day after Tehran announced it had breached limits under a 2015 nuclear deal to retaliate against new US sanctions.

02 Jul 2019 3:55 PM

Iran has not violated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: Foreign Minister

Tehran had stopped complying with some elements of the agreement in May, a year after the US unilaterally withdrew from the deal.

02 Jul 2019 11:29 AM

Donald Trump says Iran ‘playing with fire’ after nuclear deal limit breached

'They know what they’re doing. They know what they’re playing with and I think they’re playing with fire,' Trump said.

02 Jul 2019 10:42 AM


Progress made at nuclear deal meeting but still not enough: Iran

Iran's Dy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said what had been agreed was 'one step forward' adding 'still not meeting Iran's expectations'.

28 Jun 2019 10:39 PM

'New US sanctions mean end of diplomacy,' says Iran

President Donald Trump enacted the new sanctions on Monday against Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his associates.

25 Jun 2019 1:19 PM

Trump slaps new sanctions against Iran, aims at supreme leader, other officials

Repeating that 'never can Iran have a nuclear weapon,' Trump said it was now up to Tehran to negotiate.

25 Jun 2019 9:10 AM

'Iran will not wage war against any nation,' says Hassan Rouhani

'Those facing us are a group of politicians with little experience,' said Rouhani.

18 Jun 2019 3:11 PM

'Will breach uranium stockpile limits within 10 days,' says Iran

White House spokesman said the plan amounted to 'nuclear blackmail' and must be met with increased international pressure.

18 Jun 2019 10:15 AM


World must not 'yield to nuclear extortion' by Iran: US

'We continue to call on the Iranian regime to abide by their commitments to the international community,' State Department spokeswoman said.

18 Jun 2019 9:21 AM

EU should resist 'economic terrorism' committed by US against Iran: Rouhani

The US withdrawal from the JCPOA has had nothing, but the adverse impact on the interaction among the countries and regional stability.

11 Jun 2019 9:53 AM

If Islamic republic attacks American interests, it will be destroyed: Donald Trump

'If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again,' Trump said in a tweet.

20 May 2019 8:28 AM

'Russia is not fire brigade to save Iran nuclear deal,' says Putin

'We regret that the deal is falling apart,' Putin said following talks with Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen on Wednesday.

16 May 2019 2:15 PM

Trump denies US tactic to send 120,000 troops to negate Iran threat

US officials were discussing a military plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East to counter any attack.

15 May 2019 8:44 AM