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  Life   More Features  03 Aug 2020  Gokul M.G | Saying ‘I do’ underwater

Gokul M.G | Saying ‘I do’ underwater

Published : Aug 3, 2020, 5:51 pm IST
Updated : Aug 3, 2020, 5:51 pm IST

Move over Thailand, Bali and Maldives, Chennai is making a bid for a place on the map of underwater wedding destinations

Representational image
 Representational image

Rather than taking bridal shots on beautifully decorated stages or in pretty gardens, couples are getting adventurous - underwater weddings are gaining popularity in India.

Bali, Maldives and Thailand are common names that pop-up in when you talk about underwater ceremonies, but now, a deep-water aquarium is offering a space for couples to tie the knot right here in Chennai.

The aquarium at the VGP Marine Kingdom has been wooing those seeking the
unconventional for the past six months by offering them opportunities to greet their loved ones in a unique way – from underwater. And now, weddings have been added to the list.

“We have had plans to conduct underwater weddings along with other services. But since the pandemic started, that plan got delayed. Now, since the lockdown restrictions are easing out a bit, we have launched it,” says Aum Janakiram of VGP.

“People usually opt for foreign countries for such weddings. But we have already got enquiries. People are finding out what the logistics with us will be, and other details, because it is still a new thing here,” he adds.  

The walkthrough aquarium includes five aquatic zones and covers 70,000 square feet. It is home to several exotic species of fish as well as fearsome sharks.

The wedding events will be planned around these marine creatures. “We have a variety of almost 1000 types of fishes.

They surround the underwater tunnel deep in the ocean where the weddings will happen.

Couples can tie the knot amid exotic marine life including Lemon sharks and stingrays,” says Janakiram.

All clients will be given detailed training prior to the wedding, by the diving expert at the facility. “We carry out special training after conducting a detailed check-up of each customer.

Normally, for diving, it takes only half-an-hour’s training, but for underwater weddings, both the groom and bride will have a one-hour training. Also, the couple can use their wedding dress over the diving suit,” Janakiram adds.

He hopes there will be a surge in demand for underwater weddings once the lockdown is over.

Clients are also expected from neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh and SriLanka.

Tags: coronavirus lockdown, underwater photography